Below are some of the things I wish someone told me before starting my first year of medical school, so I hope this helps you:
Know what kind of learner you are. I didn't know I was a kinesthetic learner but when I took a quiz last year from my school (linked), I realized how much moving while I study helps me! Find out what kind of learner you are here:
Use the first month of school to trial which resources work with your learning style. most resources cover the same topics but in different styles so it's ok to just pick a few &. stick w them (ie: Osmosis, Boards&Beyond, Ninjanerd, Sketchy, Pixorize)
Stick with what you know works for you. if in undergrad, that was taking handwritten notes in a notebook, highlighting on the iPad, or typing, keep with it. If you're using one resource and everyone else is using something different, don't let that deter you. Don't get distracted by the classmate who handwrites their flash cards if you prefer Anki. Keep your head down & do you bc not one method is better than the other.
Use pre-made Anki decks like Anking saves so much time. I do not make my own decks/ I tried to do that and it is so time consuming and hard to know what information was important. This is a great time saver, which is essential!
Most important tip: remember you are a human outside of medical school!! Keep up your hobbies and talking to your loved ones. Don't neglect yourself or you will get burnt out.
If you're about to start your first year, then CONGRATULATIONS - take this time to celebrate the massive achievement! It's normal to feel nervous or want to start studying before, but please take this time off, enjoy time with friends and family and have fun. Nothing will really prepare you but everyone is in the same boat and you're not alone!