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Hailey Quinn x Busyscrubs

Hey there! I’m Hailey Quinn. I'm currently a third year medical student, originally from Los Angeles California. I majored in Genetics and English at UC Davis. I started a medical "finsta" aka busyscrubs when I got accepted to medical school to transparently share my journey with others. I am extending that intent through this blog because (1) I love to write and (2) I can say a lot more on here, uninhibited by character count and hopefully within a supportive community that wants to read what I have to say.
There are many accounts that glorify medicine, burn out, sacrifice, and, while I think hard work and dedication are important, it is not be the end all be all of our lives. My biggest piece of advice is not to put your life on pause while you're in med school. So I'm taking my own advice and writing on topics I'm passionate about.
I also encourage you to take advice (from me and others on the internet/media) with a grain of salt. Everyone's path is unique and there is no universal study method or path to becoming a doctor. Click here to read more on my experience as a pre-med or med student.

I want to fight for equity. Med school (and getting there) is so insanely expensive -- frankly it's ludicrous and gate keeping. It is my mission to help people for free for this reason. My only ask is to make a donation if you need many revisions, as this can become very time consuming. All you have to do is reach out via email! Check out more info here.

I struggle with anxiety, which is honestly a new development since starting med school. For the first 2 years, I felt isolated and the messages and posts spread across social media exacerbated that. So in the event there are others struggling, this blog is for you. To encourage you, support you, and empower you on your path through the medical field and navigating the ins and outs in between.

There's lots of blogs out there on being the partner to someone in med school, but hardly any on being the partner in med school. So here I am to change that. I am not going to be airing my dirty laundry, but rather want to share the challenges and lessons my partner and I have learned as we've partaken this journey together over the years. You can read more here

This is a newer passion of mine. I am by no means a designer, I don't shop trends or couture, and I actually wore a uniform until college. I view fashion as a form of self expression that can be fun and can spark joy. I think fashion can inspire confidence, and in a field that can really cause imposter syndrome, I'll take all the confidence I can get. My focus is mainly on business casual advice, as that is a tough one for many in our field. I want to offer both sustainable and reasonably priced options for students on a budget (though the 2 are difficult to achieve simultaneously, I'll do my best)! Read more here.

We are the future of healthcare -- and it is our responsibility to know the laws and politics that heavily affect our careers. I offer unbiased rundowns on current events in the first half of my posts, and commentary in the latter half. Stay up to date by reading here.  

Thanks for stopping by!

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